At Giant Inflatables Industrial, we ensure our inflatable industrial products’ quality, safety, and integrity to provide the optimal solution for your industrial needs.
Inflatable Safety and Quality in our products is our culture
At Giant Inflatables Industrial, ensuring the quality and safety of our inflatable industrial products is our top priority. We meticulously design and fabricate our inflatables using commercial-grade materials and advanced fabrication techniques to ensure our solutions increase productivity and enhance safety in industrial environments throughout Australia and around the world.
Rigorous ISO Testing
One example of our rigorous testing involves subjecting all tie points to real-world conditions, employing destructive load ISO testing and ensuring the reliability of our inflatables.
ISO testing holds a pivotal role in our fabrication process. Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 fosters global confidence in our work. It facilitates international trade by enabling the acceptance of test and calibration data between countries without additional testing.
Australian Compliance Laboratory is accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 – Testing. NATA accreditation number 20358. NATA refers to the National Association of Testing Authorities. NATA is a signatory to the ILAC Mutual Recognition Agreement for the mutual recognition of the equivalence of testing, medical testing, calibration, inspection, proficiency testing scheme providers and reference material producers reports and certificates. Unless otherwise stated, the reported tests are not included within the laboratory’s scope of accreditation.
The Giant Inflatables Industrial office will be closed from December 24th to January 6th.
We’re looking forward to working with you in 2025!