There is an inflatable industrial product for every sector.

Inflatable industrial products are versatile and durable inflatable structures used across various industrial sectors. They are designed to meet the unique demands of industrial environments and are constructed using high-strength materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to withstand harsh conditions and heavy usage.

Inflatable industrial products find application in diverse areas, such as construction, mining, oil and gas, and logistics and serve multiple purposes, including temporary shelters for workers, protective enclosures for equipment, pneumatic lifting devices, and inflatable seals for containment or insulation.

Their portability, quick deployment, and ease of assembly make them ideal for use in remote or temporary work sites, ensuring enhanced safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in industrial operations.

Giant Inflatables Industrial has a long history of designing and fabricating inflatable products. Contact us discuss your project, or make a quick enquiry below for expedited service.

Customer Spotlight:


Origin Energy is an Australian integrated energy company exploring for and producing natural gas, generating power through wind and solar and supplying and selling electricity, natural gas, LPG and solar. Origin has multiple energy plants and numerous turbine generators to provide energy.

Giant Inflatables designed a temporary abrasive blasting shelter measuring 8m x 12m x 7 meters high. They constructed the 672 cubic metre, self-supported inflated shelter specifically for abrasive blasting. It has extra internal skins to minimize blasting noises and screens to catch blasting media.

The signi cant cost and time saved by our in atable, temporary structures highlight their role as the future for the industry.

Creating Inflatable Industrial products for Australia's industry leaders for over two decades.


The Giant Inflatables Industrial office will be closed from December 24th to January 6th.

We’re looking forward to working with you in 2025!