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Nova Scotia Power
Hydroelectric Plant
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Power is a Canadian electric utility company that provides power generation, transmission, and distribution across Nova Scotia. It operates renewable energy sources, including wind and hydro. Emera, its parent company, is a diversified energy and services firm that invests in electricity, natural gas, and infrastructure across North America.
Nova Scotia Power engaged Giant Inflatables Industrial to design and fabricate an inflatable debris fall protection deck to safeguard workers repairing the ceiling of a horizontal tunnel damaged by a sinkhole in their hydroelectric power plant.
The sinkhole was 21 meters deep from the surface and had horizontal dimensions of 4.2 meters by 5.9 meters at its widest points, where the sinkhole breached the tunnel.

Specialised Solution
The inflatable debris fall protection deck was essential to shield workers in the tunnel from falling debris during the remediation project.
The inflatable debris fall protection deck designed and manufactured by Giant Inflatables Industrial consists of multiple critical layers and components. These include a main body, a protective top skin, and a netting layer.
The system incorporates tie points and holes in various layers aligned with the tie points to secure the deck in position. This design ensures robust protection against falling debris, providing a reliable safeguard for workers conducting repairs in the tunnel. The layered structure allows the deck to distribute the load of falling debris efficiently while maintaining stability during the remediation project.
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Inflatable Void Former
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